Complete Corporate Benefit Claims Auditing

We Pioneered the Full-Service Corporate Benefits Audit.

Is Your Benefits Auditor There Before, During, and After? They Should Be.

Providing excellent service and being a valued partner to your company involves much more than standard benefit plan auditing. It’s about understanding your plans down to a granular level, auditing them, interpreting the results, advising on improvements, and helping you with recovery. Then, over the long-term, providing you with continuous claims monitoring. At TFG Partners, our end-to-end method produces superior ROI(Return on Investment). We’ll help you take care of your employees and improve the bottom line.

We’re well known in the industry for pioneering full-service audits of benefits plans and producing results good enough that our service is budget neutral. We find savings and help recover funds many times in excess of the cost of our fees. We also provide recommended fixes for ongoing issues to make sure your employees are getting the most service for your company’s benefit dollar. Our process is careful, thorough, and insightful — real partners to improve your benefits plan efficiency.

Our Benefits Plan Claim Auditing is Comprehensive

Our primary goals are to determine how well claims are being administered, what sorts of errors are occurring and why, what can be done to eliminate them, and how to help companies make these improvements in a timely fashion. An audit looks at the past and our continuous monitoring service looks at the present, in real time.

An equally important goal is to help clients recover claims paid in error. Typically, we can help clients recover $20-35,000 per 1,000 employees annually. At a minimum, it translates to a budget-neutral audit, plus additional net savings in the future.

TFG Partners Logo, they are an industry leader in continuous claims monitoring, medical benefit claim auditing, and prescription drug claim auditing.
TFG Partners serves many Fortune 500 corporations, as well as many medium to smaller companies.

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    Assessment | One Size Does Not Fit All

    To deliver maximum value, an audit needs a fact-rich foundation that fully reflects specific plan attributes.
    Output: A customized foundation for each audit we perform.

    We Provide the Foundation Through
    • Pre-audit fact-finding
    • Assessment of your unique audit needs
    benefits plan auditing services

    Audit | Automated and Manual Analysis

    For more than 20 years, we have set the industry standard for what a benefits audit can, and should, do.

    Output: Our 100-percent audit can identify all suspect claims, every error, and every error type, with an accuracy that is unmatched in the industry.

    • At TFG Partners, we have developed a proprietary, manual, claims review process. It eliminates false positives, makes strategic sampling choices that purely statistical analysis can miss, and ensures the sample quality (which translates into cost savings) is never compromised to meet sample size requirements

    Action | We Help Clients Leverage Audit Results to Increase ROI

    Even the most accurate audits are only numbers if the results are not translated into remedial actions.

    Our post-audit advisory activities and continuous monitoring services are geared toward action that will leverage your audit for maximum ROI.

    We recommend ways to
    improve all aspects of claims
    administration, based on audit
    results and our expertise
    We’re experienced at securing
    commitments to action from

    from contract terms 
    to claims processing
    Error detection,
    and prevention
    Our team has years of
    experience in helping clients
    recover dollars lost to error

    Process improvements that we help companies achieve after a benefits audit, can yield as much as one to two percent of total claims paid per year, as specific overpayment categories are pro-actively eliminated.

    Output: Better administration, full control over your plan, net cost savings, and dollar recovery over and above a budget-neutral audit.

    Our Goal is to Minimize Your Burden. We Request Your Time Carefully.

    Typically, a TFG Partners corporate benefits audit requires no more than two to four non-consecutive days of our client’s time per year, per audit.

    With our easy-to-manage, well-established audit process, your time involvement will be similar to or even less than traditional sample audits.

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